Thursday, July 11, 2013

La Vida Desértica (Desert Life)

Un viaje a la luna, al planeta marte, al salar, a las lagunas.... a San Pedro de Atacama
(A trip to the moon, to planet Mars, to the salt flat, to the lagoons... to San Pedro de Atacama)

Monday, July 1, 2013


I sat down and wrote this story on a cross country train trip during the summer of 2012. One year later, on the night of June 26th, 2013, I left Chuck in his case in the trunk of a taxi in Calama, Chile, on a trip to the driest desert in the world, the Atacama. After desperately inquiring dozens of taxi drivers, all I can do now is hope that some young girl or boy will embark on a partnership as special as mine has been with Chuck. I dedicate this to all those who have been a part of this colorful story - he carries all of your spirits with him wherever he goes.